April 14, 2022 – remote/online meeting via Google Meet

Council Present: Mayor Robert Herron; Councilmembers Karl Hinze, Jerrod Johnson, Raymond Kelby, Scott Mortimer, Debbie Moore. Council Absent: None.  Staff Present: Kaci Anderson, Michael Wyman.

Regular Council Meeting – 6:00 pm

  1. Open Meeting: Mayor Robert Herron called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and led with the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Executive Session [RCW 42.30.110 (1)(a)(i)]: The council entered executive session with attorney Michael Wyman to discuss potential litigation, for an estimated 30 minutes, at 6:01 pm. The executive session with extended for approximately 15 minutes at 6:37 pm. Council ended executive session and returned to open session at 6:50 pm.
  3. Approval of Minutes: Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by K. Hinze, and carried to approve the minutes for the regular meeting on March 10, 2022.
  4. Public Comment: None.
  5. Council Concerns and Issues:
    1. D. Moore raised concern about Ordinance 421: Discontinuance of Water Service for Lack of Compliance with Legal Requirements. Council discussed original intent of the ordinance as well as potential amendments. Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by J. Johnson, and carried to send ordinance to attorney for review with suggested additions of meeting specific requirements from L&I, county health department, and building officials for occupancy certificate.
    2. S. Mortimer mentioned UTVs may be available soon through the state surplus program and asked that the Town’s interest be expressed.
    3. K. Hinze expressed concern about the building on the hill that received damage during the recent windstorms, stating it is hazardous and should be reported to insurance. S. Mortimer mentioned that the Town should look into land grant details regarding the building and the well that is now located on that property.
    4. Discussion – J. Johnson
      1. Eligibility to hold elective office (RCW 35.27.080): J. Johnson shared his findings in RCW regarding elective office and recent concerns raised in Town about one or more councilmembers potentially not being eligible to serve on the council. Requirements are that councilmembers shall be a town resident and be registered to vote in that town. He also investigated the definitions of residency by the Department of Revenue as well as voter eligibility, citizenship and residency requirements. He stated he believes there is no issue with any current serving councilmembers.
      2. Reports and investigation of fires – Police powers (RCW 43.44.050): J. Johnson discussed his finding in RCW regarding fire investigations and questioned what fire services town tax money is paying for regarding the annexation into the county fire district. S. Mortimer stated he believed that the county commissioners made that determination based on state law.
      3. Wilson Creek noise ordinance
        1. Ordinance 386 – Nuisances: J. Johnson shared he has recent conversations with neighbors regarding noise. K. Anderson will continue looking for other noise regulations as some councilmembers believe there were some that included specific times of day for noise.
      4. J. Johnson asked about the cost of street sweeping, sharing his opinion that most intersections in town could benefit. K. Anderson stated she would contact the county for an approximate cost. On a related note, K. Anderson summarized her recent conversations with TIB representatives regarding the condition of Railroad Street after the previous project completion.
  6. Reports
    1. Mayor’s Address and Maintenance/Public Works: Mayor Herron discussed the following…
      1. Personnel changes: The goal is to consolidate multiple positions down to one. Water compliance is now contracted out for chlorination, reporting, testing, etc., regarding state and other requirements. A public works opening to cover maintenance, custodial, meter reading will be posted soon.
      2. Public works building update: Mayor Herron performed some quick repair work to the exterior of the building. He is hoping the Loss Prevention grant can be used to meet the needs in some other way, such as a storage container. K. Anderson will inquire.
      3. Water complaints: The main well was recently shut off due to a power outage and the backup well was running. It has been switched back to the main well.
    1. Clerk/Treasurer Report
      1. Bills, Checks & Electronic Withdrawal: Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by R. Kelby, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and pay the February 2022 bills as follows:
        Accounts Payable
        PAYROLL: Check #10903 – 10912 …………. $ 2,864.03
        CLAIMS: Check # 10913 – 10923 ……………. $ 3,028.20
        EFT payments ……………………………………………… $ 3,421.38
        TOTAL ……………………………………………………………. $ 9,313.61

        Bank Account Balances 3/31/22
        U.S. Bank ……………….. $ 271,112.86
        Grant County ………..  $ 112,843.78
        TOTAL ……………………  $ 383,956.64
      2. K. Anderson discussed her meeting with Kelly Rancourt of Clark Number, an accounting firm, with whom she was awarded free consultation time through a scholarship from AWC regarding ARPA to determine appropriate and allowable use of funding.

        Motion made by D. Moore, seconded by K. Hinze, and carried to approve the use of ARPA funds on water meter upgrades and to maintain OPMA compliance regarding remote meetings.
  7. Old Business: None.
  8. New Business:
    1. Ordinance 440: Flood Damage Prevention: K. Anderson discussed her phone call with FEMA representative. Council discussed needing more time to continue reviewing the draft before adopting the ordinance but are comfortable approving the first reading with potential amendments prior to adoption. Motion made by K. Hinze, seconded by D. Moore, and carried to approve the first reading of Ordinance 440: Flood Damage Prevention, with potential amendments next month.
  9. Adjournment: Motion made by J. Johnson, seconded by D. Moore, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 8:18 pm. The next regular council meeting is Thursday, April 14, 2022, at 6:00 pm.