Updated 6/22/2023

The Wilson Creek Water Department is pleased to present this year’s annual Water Quality Report. This report is a summary of testing results conducted within the last five years and contains contaminants found in any amount during the most recent round of testing for a particular contaminant. The Wilson Creek Water Department performs many tests each year to ensure that you are provided with a safe and reliable supply of drinking water. We want you to understand the efforts we make to continually provide safe and dependable drinking water every day. The data in this report reflects water system operations and tests conducted in 2022.

Your water is supplied by a primary and a backup well which draw from underground aquifers. Water is pumped up to the two storage reservoirs located north of the school.  Each reservoir is capable of storing nearly 250,000 gallons of water. From there distribution is made through over 30,000 feet of water main supplying more than 130 active residential connections. The cost to maintain our system throughout the year usually exceeds $50,000. This includes electrical use, water tests, salary, excise taxes, audits and routine maintenance.

We use almost 30 million gallons of water annually. Lawn watering accounts for a majority of water usage in the summer months. We ask that you please avoid over-watering your yard. Other easy water conservation tips include installing a faucet aerator if you do not already have one, and not leaving water running while you brush your teeth or shave.

View past reports here:

Click here for more information on lead in drinking water