July 9, 2020 – 6:00 pm
This month’s regular council meeting will be conducted remotely.
You will be able to view the meeting live online on Thursday, July 9 at 6:00 pm:

Meeting ID: 774 7516 9821 Password: 3Baifc

Due to this temporary change, all public comment to be heard must be submitted in writing to the clerk by 5:00 pm the day of the meeting. You may do so by dropping it in the payment dropbox located at the front of the building, or via email at

Regular Council Meeting
A. Open Meeting with Flag Salute
B. Approval of Minutes – June 11, 2020 regular meeting (ACTION)
C. Public Comments
a. Metal detecting request
D. Council Concerns and Issues
a. Tree trimming to north and west of intersection at 6th & Sprague streets
E. Reports
a. Mayor’s Address – Mayor Newland
b. Maintenance/Public Works – Chris Stout, Lyle Komarek, and/or Mayor Newland
c. Clerk/Treasurer – Kaci Anderson
i. Bills, Checks & Electronic Withdrawal (ACTION)
F. Old Business
G. New Business
a. Approval of Proposed Airport Land Lease Agreement (ACTION)
H. Adjournment (ACTION)