August 9, 2018

Council Present: Mayor Kevin Newland, and Councilmembers Keith Jensen, Kellie Ribail, Raymond Kelby, Scott Mortimer, and Debbie Moore, who arrived at 6:01 pm. Staff present: Kaci Anderson.

Open Meeting: Mayor Kevin Newland called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes: Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by R. Kelby, and carried to approve the July 12, 2018, meeting minutes.

Public Comment: None.

Council Concerns: None.


Mayor’s Address

Appreciation to Richard and Gayle Price: Front benches were refinished by the Prices and they look wonderful! Thank you, Richard and Gayle!

Grant applications – street and airport: Mayor Newland is looking into grants to address paving at the airport, potentially to piggyback the work onto Nava Street project. Photos were taken of Railroad, 2nd, 5th and 6th streets as well and sent to CenturyWest. We are waiting to hear back on approval for work on those streets, with priority to Railroad Street.

Airport lease agreement update: Going back and forth between attorney and potential leasee; received draft moments ago from attorney to look at next month for final approval. The Port District has again been expressing interest in buying the property. Mayor asked for a written offer and asked the Port to have it assessed, etc., at their cost. No offer received yet. The Council discussed considering selling the property because of liability cost. Will update as process continues.

Airport property information – revisionary clause/buyout: Mayor has been trying to obtain title for the airport property instead of the patent the Town currently holds. The Council discussed possible requirements regarding patents vs. titles if the Town decides to sell. Council stressed the important of advertising property to all if the Town does decide to sell the property and to make sure any rental agreements include a clause regarding sale of property.

Flag pole update: Pole has been ordered and the payment for it is included in this month’s bills to be paid. A 30’ pole, which was on sale, will be installed in the courtyard. The Council discussed the bird feeder that is currently in the courtyard that will need to be moved, either to the sides of the courtyard or possibly the cemetery, as Mayor Newland noted it was originally installed as a sort of memorial.

USDA water meters: Looking into possible grants for automated or scannable water meters, to replace existing water meters. Discussed using a digital camera to aide reading meters. Motion by K. Ribail, seconded by K. Jensen, to purchase a digital camera, cost at mayor’s discretion, to use for water meter readings.

Verizon Wireless: Trying to get a discount for existing Verizon accountholders. Interested in entering into a government account to get a discount. Could either purchase a separate phone for government use or could get an app installed on personal phones to separate public vs. private records. More info coming after meeting with Verizon Wireless representative on August 22.

Grant County Fair Grand Opening: Mayor can now attend, but if any councilmembers will be at the Fair on opening day, they are invited to take part in the event on Tuesday, August 14, at approximately noon.

Association of Grant County Cities & Towns meeting and dinner: Councilmembers are invited to attend dinner and meeting in Coulee Dam on August 29.

Clerk/Treasurer Report:

Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by K. Jensen, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and to pay the August 2018 bills as follows, including a void of check 9910 in the amount of $0.00 to send to BIAS for software conversions and void check 9940 payable to United Rentals in the amount of $175.21:

August 2018 Bills                                                         Current Account Balances

Checks 9910 – 9944          $       6,696.91                     US Bank               $       115,398.02

IRS EFT                             $          537.40                     Grant County       $       108,154.81

Total                                  $       7,845.60                     Total                     $       223,552.83

Maintenance Report: Annual Water Use Efficiency Report reported a 1.4% water loss rate for the Town. S Mortimer noted that he believed 5-10% always considered acceptable, and 1.4% may be the lowest he’s seen. Still waiting to hear from water manager about chlorination levels. Lyle has been working hard and doing well.

Old Business:

New Business / Navar Rehabilitation Project – Approve Consultant Agreement: Re: engineering and consultant work for Century West. Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by D. Moore, and carried to approve the consultant agreement.

Prior to adjournment, K. Ribail noted her son will be painting bollards by fire station. It was suggested the Mayor get in contact with Jackie Floetke regarding students who need community service hours for graduation. Suggested projects included painting park tables, pulling weeds, sweeping sidewalks.
Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by D. Moore, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 6:41 pm. The next regular council meeting is Thursday, September 13, 2018, at 6:00 pm.

A PDF of these minutes is available here: 2018-08-09 minutes