January 10, 2019

Council Present: Mayor Kevin Newland, and Councilmembers Scott Mortimer, Kellie Ribail, and Debbie Moore. Staff present: Kaci Anderson. Visitors present: Teresa Garay, Earl Justice, and Barry Major.

  1. Open Meeting: Mayor Kevin Newland called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Minutes: Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by D. Moore, and carried to approve the December 13, 2018, meeting minutes. Mayor Newland pointed out that the November 2018 minutes do not list K. Ribail as present, but she did attend the meeting. Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by D. Moore, and carried to approve the amendment of the November 8, 2018 minutes to add Kellie Ribail’s name under “Council Present.”
  3. Public Comment:
    1. Teresa Garay asked about car ports on personal property. She stated she has been caring for another resident’s property across the street from hers, at the intersection of Third and Sprague. There is a piece of land at the end of Third that connects the two properties. Mrs. Garay would like an easement on the property so that she can use it since she is taking care of it. Mayor Newland responded that maps would need to be referenced and the Town will respond after further research.
    2. Earl Justice wanted to confirm whether it is legal to place a single-wide trailer on property in Town, to have water access. Mayor Newland responded that as long as all building codes are met, there would be no problem.
    3. Barry Major inquired as to why he is not allowed water access to his property at 118 Spokane, stating it’s a shop and is defined as an accessory building in the ordinance. Mayor Newland agreed that a shop is an accessory building, but there is no primary residence on the property.
  4. Council Concerns:
    1. K. Ribail mentioned the water leak as discussed in last month’s meeting. She believes the leak/pipe is within the Town’s right-of-way and would like measurements taken and it looked at very closely to ensure the correct person(s) are responsible for the bill.
    2. K. Ribail expressed concerns about youth driving around town with headlights off, driving irresponsibly and unsafely, and possibly knocking down a sign at the ball field. The Council discussed requesting increased police presence from the Grant County Sheriff’s Office.
  5. Reports
    1. Mayor’s Address
      1. Thank you to Wilson Creek High School Class of 2021: Mayor Newland discussed the work the sophomore class completed to revive the historical sign at the park. It looks great! S. Mortimer mentioned the Bise family helped tremendously. The Council expressed their gratitude and signed a thank-you card for the Class of 2021. K. Anderson will bring another card to the next meeting, for the Council to sign to send to the Bise family as well.
    2. Clerk/Treasurer Report: Motion made by S. Mortimer seconded by R. Kelby, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and to pay the December 2018 bills as follows:
      January 2019 Bills
      Payroll checks 10037 – 10047 $ 1,567.76
      A/P checks 10048 – 10059 $ 20,471.21
      EFT payments $ 1,070.72
      Total $ 23,109.69

      Current Account Balances
      US Bank $ 131,798.21
      Grant County $ 109,192.24
      Total $ 240,990.45

    3. Maintenance Report: Mayor Newland reported the following…
      1. Mayor Newland reported the following:
        1. L. Komarek would like to repaint the inside of the park restrooms before reopening them this spring, and that the Town already has paint to do so. The Council supported the idea.
        2. Storage room lock needs replaced, so that and other supplies will be purchased to finish small projects.
        3. Mayor Newland and C. Stout replaced the fuel pump in the dump truck and it’s ready to go for snow removal.
      2. K. Ribail discussed the park kitchen, which is owned by the Tri Community Chamber. She said the Chamber is looking into possibly purchasing a hot water tank unit for under the sink. Volunteers would be found to install it correctly. K. Ribail said the electrician can’t figure out why the breaker can’t handle the current hot water tank.
  6. Old Business: None.
  7. New Business: S. Mortimer wanted to open up for Council discussion the following items:
    1. Burning: S. Mortimer is seeking clarification on burning regulations and the differences between burning within the county limits and in an incorporated town. K. Anderson said she would look for details from the DOE regarding private property owners and municipalities burning within city limits, as well as what types of materials may be burned.
    2. Vegetation Management: S. Mortimer discussed a granule sterilant used by some area organizations, which may be of benefit to the Town, specifically around poles, signs, wires, etc. There are serious issues and concerns near the ball field, the Schroeder lot and the fire district lot. The Council expressed frustration regarding the amount of money spent for professional weed control services with unsatisfactory results. S. Mortimer would like to see control begin in February or March, and the issue will be revisited at the next meeting.
  8. Adjournment: Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by S. Mortimer, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:32 pm. The next regular council meeting is Thursday, February 14, 2019, at 6:00 pm.


A PDF of these minutes can be viewed here: 2019-01-10 minutes