August 8, 2019

Council present: Mayor Kevin Newland, and Councilmembers Scott Mortimer, Kellie Ribail, and Keith Jensen. Staff present: Kaci Anderson.

  1. Open Meeting: Mayor Kevin Newland called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Minutes: Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by K. Jensen, and carried to approve July 11, 2019, meeting minutes.
  3. Guest Gary Lampella & Review of Floodplain Development Permit Application: Mayor Newland discussed the development permit application received by the Town. In the Mayor’s opinion, the application is too vague and could potentially open up the property to future construction without prior approval. Mayor Newland was advised by both the Town engineer and lawyer to deny the application at this time, and to require further information including, but not limited to, site plans and soil engineering, prior to proceeding.

Gary Lampella with Northwest Code Professionals, the Town’s contracting permitting service provider, introduced himself. Mr. Lampella discussed how the Town’s building codes adopt the national building code by reference, which includes requirement regarding grading, excavation, etc., in floodplain and other flood areas. Mr. Lampella assured the Council he will work closely with the city engineer, Bryan Hicks of Century West, regarding this and future related matters.

Mayor Newland proposed the permit application be tabled pending further information. The Council expressed interest in formulating a written step-by-step process for situations such as this.

Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by K. Jensen, and carried to table the approval of the above-discussed floodplain development permit application.

  • Public Comments: Property owner Bill Nichols inquired which property was being discussed regarding the development permit application. A short discussion regarding the history of flood studies in the Town followed.
  • Council Concerns and Issues:
    • S. Mortimer noted the park looks good.
    • K. Ribail asked if Navar Street would be swept by the construction company now that their work is complete. Mayor Newland responded that it wasn’t mentioned, but that he would check with the engineer.
  • Reports
    • Mayor’s Address
      • DOH Return to Compliance Notice re: Lead & Copper: Good news! We received a letter from the Department of Health confirming the Town has returned to compliance in regards to lead and copper levels in the water.
      • TIB Application for Railroad, Second and Fifth streets: Bryan Hicks is working on an application for the Town for further funds from the Transportation Improvement Board, to repair portions of Railroad Street, Second Street and Fifth Street. Work would include crack sealing and possibly other preservation methods. The application amount would be approximately $148,000-$149,000 with no matching amount from the Town required.
    • Maintenance Report: The Council discussed the need for a new fire hydrant, which will be ordered soon from HD Fowler in Spokane. Use of the truck fill was also discussed, including possible alterations to allow it to be used for road, vegetation control customers, etc. S. Mortimer inquired about the pile of asphalt left at the top of Sixth Street from the Navar Street project, and wondered if that asphalt could be moved to patch roads in other areas in town. A hole on Fourth Street was also mentioned.
    • Clerk/Treasurer Report:
      • Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by K. Jensen, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and to pay the August 2019 bills as follows:

August 2019 Bills                                                            Current Account Balances

Payroll checks 10217 – 10228      $     3,027.57              US Bank            $    133,884.32

A/P checks 10229 – 10242            $   10,211.09              Grant County    $    110,263.56  *

EFT payments                                $        786.28              Total                  $    244,147.88

Total                                              $   14,024.94

K. Anderson noted that the account balance from Grant County is accurate as of the end of June as the most recent statement had not been received yet.

  • Old Business: Mayor Newland noted that he spoke with Sky Reach representatives and they are working to add the Town to their insurance. The process to lease the airport property is moving forward.
  • New Business:
    • Crack Sealing Bid Selection: Central Paving provided a quote for crack sealing on Sprague Street in the amount of $2,805.40. Motion made by K. Jensen, seconded by K. Ribail, and carried to approve the selection of Central Paving to crack seal on Sprague Street.
    • The removal of teeter-totters in the park was discussed. The equipment is broken and needs to come out.

Adjournment: Motion made by K. Jensen, seconded by S. Mortimer, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 6:52 pm. The next regular council meeting is Thursday, September 12, 2019, at 6:00 pm.