July 11, 2019

Council present: Mayor Kevin Newland, and Councilmembers Scott Mortimer, Kellie Ribail, Debbie More, and Keith Jensen. Staff present: Kaci Anderson.

  1. Open Meeting: Mayor Kevin Newland called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Minutes: Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by K. Jensen, and carried to approve June 13, 2019, meeting minutes, with the following change: Add the word “mentioned” after Mayor Newland’s name at the beginning of item E(c) Maintenance Report.
  3. Public Comments:
    1. Chrissai Taylor visited requesting permission to temporarily reside in an RV/trailer while work is completed on the house at 321 Main. She explained there is currently no working bathroom or kitchen but there is already an RV hookup. The Council agreed to allow Ms. Taylor six months to reside in the trailer while working on the house, at which time she needs to revisit the Council to reassess the situation.
    1. Bob Correia read and supplied copies of his letter of resignation, effective immediately.
    1. Roy Mills inquired if there was a survey completed regarding garbage service, and suggested the Town look into garbage fund usage.
  4. Council Concerns and Issues: None.
  5. Reports
    1. Mayor’s Address
      1. Airport lease update – meeting on Monday, July 15: Mayor Newland will be meeting with the owner of the company interested in leasing the airport on Monday, to view the property and building. The Town attorney is working on a draft lease agreement.
      1. Airport inspection results, if any: WSDOT visited the airport yesterday, July 10. Mayor Newland reported the weeds were out of control so Lyle mowed them down and it looks great now. The striping is outdated. An aviation club may be able to help with that. No report on pavement condition, etc., has been received yet but Mayor Newland stressed that the Town will work with report findings to remain compliant. He also mentioned spraying and crack filling is needed. Paul Bicondova with PT Construction quoted $650 to spray weeds plus sweep after weeds are dried and dead.
      1. Navar Street work update: The construction crew found soft spots on the road. Councilmembers asked about how the edge of the road would be at completion, with worries about crumbling. Mayor Newland stated he would ensure there would be a solid three inches of asphalt to the edge. Work should be completed on time or early. The engineer will be on site tomorrow, July 12.
      1. State parks visit: Mayor Newland was told verbally that the results were an A+ for the Town after viewing the park and skate park.
    1. Maintenance/Public Works
      1. Weed sprayer & new tires purchased: Mayor Newland reported that the Town purchased a 30-gallon boomless sprayer and the alleys look much better. Solid rubber tires were also purchased after the original tires were flattened by puncture vines.
      1. Fire hydrant out of order: The hydrant by the diesel station is out of order. City of Ephrata Public Works is coming next week to help and instruct.

Mayor Newland and the Council wished to express gratitude and thanks to Grant County and Ed Lowry for grading Broadway, and to the City of Ephrata and Bill Sangster for assistance with fire hydrants.

  • Clerk/Treasurer Report Notes from the ClerkTown hall closed July 15-19 due to vacation.Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by D. Moore, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and to pay the July 2019 bills as follows, with a TBD amount for check #10216 for playground equipment, payable to Global Industrial, so long as the amount falls under the granted amount from the Lauzier Foundation (K. Anderson estimated the check would be approximately $14,000.00).

July 2019 Bills                                                                 Current Account Balances

Payroll checks 10189 – 10200      $     2,796.49              US Bank            $    147,870.56

A/P checks 10201 – 10215            $     3,108.61              Grant County    $    110,263.56 

EFT payments                                $     1,564.49              Total                  $    258,134.12

Total                                              $     7,469.59

  • Old Business: None
  • New Business: None
  • Adjournment: Motion made by K. Ribail, seconded by K. Jensen, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 pm.
    The next regular council meeting is Thursday, August 8, 2019, at 6:00 pm.