September 12, 2019
Present: Mayor Kevin Newland, and Councilmembers Scott Mortimer, Debbie Moore,
and Keith Jensen.
Staff Present: Kaci Anderson.
- Open Meeting: Mayor Kevin Newland called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Minutes: Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by K. Jensen, and carried to approve the August 8, 2019, meeting minutes.
- Public Comment: Representatives from the North Central Regional Library attended and provided information regarding NCRL’s strategic plan. A brief overview of NCRL was given, including the locations/areas served and services provided, highlighting the Book Mobile, which is at the school but available to all, on the first and third Tuesday of the month. A resident inquired about ordinances pertaining to discharging firearms in town. He reported hearing multiple shots recently, which he stated was likely target practice. Mayor Newland responded that county rules apply.
- Council Concerns
- S. Mortimer discussed the following:
- Noted Navar Street seems to have been washed down after recent heavy rains. He suggested the Town consider filling in spots with excess material available elsewhere in town.
- Suggested considering budgeting for weed sterilant at the water reservoir for 2020.
- Requested permission to burn weeds along Kathy Boulevard, weather permitting. Mayor Newland noted a bid received from Woodland Resources regarding treatment along Kathy Boulevard.
- The Council discussed concerns regarding water meter read accuracy. Some members and other residents have felt that this summer’s water bills have been considerably less than last year. K. Anderson will run comparative reports to ensure accuracy.
- Good news – the new playground equipment, purchased thanks to a Lauzier Foundation grant, has been delivered!
- S. Mortimer discussed the following:
- Reports
- Mayor’s Address
- Washington Trust for Historic Preservation Grant – Valerie Sivinski Fund: The grant application is due at the end of October. The Town is working on the application for repairs to the bank building/Town Hall, and specifically needs to obtain a reasonable estimate for work on the double doors on the bank/museum side of the building.
- Road work updates
- Sprague Street repairs: A bid for work on approximately 2,000 feet of Sprague Street was received and accepted in the amount of about $2,800. Details on the written bid did not include the street name, nor specific locations on where work would start and stop. When work was completed, repairs had been done that were not quoted. The Town will not be paying anything more than the original bid amount. The Council further discussed road conditions on Sprague Street.
- Shoulder treatment on Kathy Boulevard: The Council agreed that work as previously discussed along Kathy Boulevard should be pursued.
- The Council discussed the large clock on Railroad Street and agreed that a battery back-up may be a viable option to keep it operating, following power flickers that interfere with the unit.
- Maintenance/Public Works Report: Mayor Newland reported that a rear tire and valve stem have been replaced on the tractor. He also asked for the Council’s opinion on whether OK Tires or Commercial Tires may be better options for the Town, rather than Les Schwab. It was agreed that Commercial Tires may work better for the Town as far as pricing and warranties.
- Clerk/Treasurer Report:
- Motion made by K. Jensen, seconded by S. Mortimer, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and to pay the September 2019 bills as follows:
- September 2019 Bills
- Payroll checks 10256 – 10265 $ 2,688.69
- A/P checks 10243 – 10255 $ 10,882.49
- EFT payments $ 675.53
- Total $ 14,246.71
- Current Account Balances
- US Bank $ 140,909.93
- Grant County $ 110,640.05
- Total $ 251,549.98
- K. Anderson noted that, due to garbage services, a budget revision will be needed before the end of the year.
- Mayor’s Address
- Old Business: Mayor and Councilmembers expressed best wishes to Councilmember Kelby that he continues to feel better and his health continues to improve.
- New Business
- Acceptance of Navar Street Rehabilitation Project: Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by K. Jensen, and carried to accept the work on Navar Street as completed this summer.
- Adjournment: Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by K. Jensen, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 pm. The next regular council meeting is Thursday, October 10, 2019, at 6:00 pm.
A PDF of these minutes can be viewed here.