October 14, 2021 – remote/online meeting via Google Meet

Council Present: Mayor Kevin Newland, and Councilmembers Scott Mortimer, Jerrod Johnson, Raymond Kelby, and Debbie Moore. Staff Present: Kaci Anderson.

Preliminary Budget Hearing – 6:00 pm

  1. Open Meeting: Mayor Kevin Newland called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and led with the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Review preliminary documents regarding 2022 budget: K. Anderson supplied copies of the preliminary budget. Council discussed adding in budget lines for public works shop building maintenance work, as well as using potential Loss Prevention grant funds for a concrete slab in the yard waste dumpster area. Motion made by D. Moore, seconded by S. Mortimer, and carried to approve preliminary budget numbers for 2022, with minor changes expected at the final budget hearing on November 11, 2021.

Regular Council Meeting – immediately following

  • Approval of Minutes: Motion made by S. Mortimer, seconded by D. Moore, and carried to approve the minutes for the regular meeting on September 9, 2021, and the special meeting on September 20, 2021.
  • Public Comment:
    • Arthur Ribail requested an update on the RV dump. Mayor Newland reported Basin Septic will be out later this month to pump and perform inspection on the tank, depending on Council approval. Basin Septic quoted $1,075 for inspection. Motion made by D. Moore, seconded by S. Mortimer, and carried to approve RV dump tank inspection by Basin Septic.
      Council further discussed potential dump use fees/donations and operations.
  • Council Concerns and Issues:
    • Council inquired about current Town regulations regarding cannabis production. Requested to check into current state legislation, Town code/moratorium, etc., especially in regards to distance from school.
  • Reports
    • Mayor’s Address: Mayor Newland has no updates to share.
    • Maintenance/Public Works Report: Mayor Newland shared the following:
      • Mayor Newland discussed condition of public works shop and potential future work on/in the building.
    • Clerk/Treasurer Report
      • Bills, Checks & Electronic Withdrawal: Motion made by D. Moore, seconded by R. Kelby, and carried to approve the Town’s current fiscal status and pay the October 2021 bills as follows:

Accounts Payable                                                                                                           Bank Account Balances 9/30/2021

PAYROLL: Check numbers 10770 – 10780 ……………..  $      3,308.69          U.S. Bank ……………….. $ 257,545.75

CLAIMS: Check numbers 10781 – 10791 ………………..  $   40,057.57          Grant County ………..  $ 112,527.77

EFT payments ………………………………………………………………..  $      3,821.64          TOTAL ……………………  $ 370,073.52

VOID: Check number 10771 ………………………………………….  $         22.92 –

TOTAL ………………………………………………………………………………  $   47,187.90

S. Mortimer left at 6:49 pm for an emergency call with GCFD12.

  • Old Business:
    • Council Rules of Procedure: Not discussed.
  • New Business:
    • Bid Selection for Road Striping on Railroad and Navar Streets: The following three bids were received: (1) Columbia Basin Striping $8,543.47, (2) Stripe Rite $13,103.00, (3) Pavement Surface Control $8,002.47. Motion made by D. Moore, seconded by J. Johnson, and carried to approve Pavement Surface Control to perform striping on Railroad and Navar streets this month.
    • City Park Camping: Sample of sign thanking campers for donations provided. Council agreed to revisit the issue in the spring/summer to discuss setting formal fees.

Adjournment: Motion made by D. Moore, seconded by J. Johnson, and carried to adjourn the meeting at 6:56 pm. The next regular council meeting is Thursday, November 11, 2021, at 6:00 pm.